This blog will inform you of most important events and details of the VOR and VORG event 2017-2018. During the VOR the progress will be reported on.
Tuesday, 30 January 2018
VolvoOceanRace Leg 5 Start on Thursday.
The VOR continues with Leg 5 after an intensive HongKong Sailing weekend. The next Leg is none counting for the Overall score but is sailed, I think, to honor China .
It is a short Leg, up the Pearl river, so it will be a complete different style of sailing for these VO65 Boats. Hopefully the traffic on the river will be friendly and overcoming for the sailing boats, that might have some difficulties in maneuvering in lower wind strengths; as we do not want to see another collision.
The Start for Leg 5 is Thursday 1 February but so far there is not mentioned any starting time, it might be 500 UTC, same as for the Leg 6 start ?
In Guangzhou, there will be an officially counting In-Port race held on 3 February at 700UTC (15:00 local)